USB-306対応DLL HDL9BITDLL.dll をVB.NETから操作する例


  当社の9bit通信対応 USB RS485/422絶縁型変換器(USB-306)対応の制御用DLL(HDL9BITDLL.dll)をVB.NETで利用する方法についての参考ページです。(Vusual Studio 2015によります)


    ' HDL9BITDLL.dll 使用 ここから
    'Returns the number of attached devices with matching IDs.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_GetNumUartsA Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal productIDFilter As Int16,   '__in_opt        uint16_t productIDFilter,
     ByVal interfaceIDFilter As Byte,  '__in_opt        uint8_t interfaceIDFilter,
     ByRef numUarts As Int32           '__out   uint32l_t* numUarts
     ) As Int16
    'Opens the device specified by the index into the array of available
    'devices And returns a handle to it.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_OpenUartA Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal memberIndex As Int32,        '__in   uint32l_t memberIndex,
     ByVal productIDFilter As Int16,    '__in_opt       uint16_t productIDFilter,
     ByVal interfaceIDFilter As Byte,   '__in_opt       uint8_t interfaceIDFilter,
     ByRef uartDeviceObject As IntPtr   '__out  H9bHandle_t* uartDeviceObject
    ) As Int16
    'Returns the current USB Serial Number String.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_GetOtpSerialNumberString Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,  '__in   H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByRef stringLength As Byte,        '__out  uint8_t* stringLength,
     ByVal serialString As Byte()       'ByVal __out    char* serialString
    ) As Int16

    'Returns the currently configures data rate and character format
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_GetLineCodingA Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,  '__in   H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByRef dataRate As Int32,           '__out  uint32l_t* dataRate,
     ByRef charFormat As Byte,          '__out  uint8_t* charFormat,    
     ByRef parityType As Byte,          '__out  uint8_t* parityType,
     ByRef dataBits As Byte,            '__out  uint8_t* dataBits,
     ByRef flowControl As Byte,         '__out  uint8_t* flowControl,
     ByRef gpioMode0 As Byte            '__out  uint8_t* gpioMode0
    ) As Int16
    'Configures the data rate and character format of a UART channel.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_SetLineCodingA Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,  '__in   H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByVal dataRate As Int32,           '__in   uint32l_t dataRate,
     ByVal charFormat As Byte,          '__in   uint8_t charFormat,    
     ByVal parityType As Byte,          '__in   uint8_t parityType,
     ByVal dataBits As Byte,            '__in   uint8_t dataBits,
     ByVal flowControl As Byte,         '__in   uint8_t flowControl,
     ByVal gpioMode0 As Byte            '__in   uint8_t gpioMode0
    ) As Int16
    'addressモード時 flowControl = 0x03
    'それ以外は      flowControl = 0x01
    'Returns the current timeout settings.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_GetTimeouts Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,  '__in   H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByRef writeTimeout As Int32,       '__in*  uint32l_t writeTimeout,
     ByRef readTimeout As Int32         '__in*  uint32l_t readTimeout
    ) As Int16
    'Sets maximum allowable time for read and write operations.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_SetTimeouts Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,  '__in   H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByVal writeTimeout As Int32,       '__in   uint32l_t writeTimeout,
     ByVal readTimeout As Int32         '__in   uint32l_t readTimeout
    ) As Int16
    'Returns the current setting for the number of bytes in the Rx FIFO
    'before flow control is asserted to the remote UART.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_GetUartRxFifoThreshold Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,  '__in   H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByRef rxFifoThreshold As Int16     '__out  uint16_t* rxFifoThreshold
    ) As UShort
    'Sets how many bytes will be stored in the local UART's Rx FIFO
    'before flow control is asserted to the remote UART.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_SetUartRxFifoThreshold Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,  '__in   H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByVal rxFifoThreshold As Int16     '__in   uint16_t rxFifoThreshold
    ) As Int16
    'Close a device handle
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_CloseUart Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr  '__in    H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
    ) As UShort
    'Returns the currently configured addresses used by the UART when
    'Address Match Mode is enabled.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_GetUartAddress Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,  '__in   H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByRef unicastAddress As Byte,      '__out  uint8_t* unicastAddress,
     ByRef multicastAddress As Byte     '__out  uint8_t* multicastAddress
    ) As Int16
    'Sets the addresses the UART will respond to when Address Match Mode
    'is enabled.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_SetUartAddress Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,  '__in   H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByVal unicastAddress As Byte,      '__in   uint8_t unicastAddress,
     ByVal multicastAddress As Byte     '__in   uint8_t multicastAddress
    ) As Int16
    'Reads data from a UART handle (USB IN transfers).
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_ReadUart Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,      '__in       H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByVal numberOfBytesToRead As Int32,    '__in       uint32l_t numberOfBytesToRead,
     ByVal byteBuffer As Byte(),            'ByVal __out        uint8_t* byteBuffer,
     ByRef numberOfBytesReads As Int32      '__out      uint32l_t* numberOfBytesRead
    ) As Int16
    'Writes data to a UART handle (USB OUT transfers).
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_WriteUart Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,      '__in       H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByVal numberOfBytesToRead As Int32,    ' __in      uint32l_t numberOfBytesToWrite,
     ByVal byteBuffer As Byte(),           'ByVal __in  uint8_t* byteBuffer,
     ByRef numberOfBytesReads As Int32      '__out      uint32l_t* numberOfBytesWritten
    ) As Int16
    'Indicates whether a UART channel is currently enabled for transmit and receive
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_IsEnabled Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,      '__in       H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByRef numberOfBytesReads As Boolean     '__out     boolean_t* enabled
    ) As Int16
    'Enables a UART channel for transmit and receive
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_EnableUart Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,      '__in       H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByVal numberOfBytesReads As Boolean     '__in      boolean_t enable
    ) As Int16
    'Flushes buffers and FIFOs in transmit, receive, or both directions.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_FlushBuffers Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,  '__in   H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByVal flushTransmit As Boolean,    '__in   boolean_t flushTransmit,
     ByVal flushReceives As Boolean     '__in   boolean_t flushReceive
    ) As Int16
    'Requests a UART to transmit a break signal.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_SendBreak Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,  '__in   H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByVal breakDuration As Byte  '__in uint8_t breakDuration
    ) As Int16
    'Requests a UART to stop transmitting break.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_CancelBreak Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr  '__in    H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
    ) As Int16
    'Returns the current USB Manufacturer String.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_GetOtpManufacturerString Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,      '__in       H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByRef stringLength As Byte,            '__out      uint8_t* strlen,
     ByVal manufacturingString As Byte()    'ByVal __out        char* manufacturingString
    ) As Int16
    'Returns the current USB Product String.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_GetOtpProductString Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,      '__in       H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByRef stringLength As Byte,            '__out      uint8_t* stringLength,
     ByVal productString As Byte()          'ByVal__out char* productString
    ) As Int16
    'Returns the release version of this API.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_GetSoftwareAPIAttributes Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByRef majorVersion As Byte,        '__out  uint8_t* majorVersion,
      ByRef minorVersion As Byte,       '__out  uint8_t* minorVersion,
      ByRef isReleaseVersion As Boolean '__out  boolean_t* isReleaseVersion
    ) As Int16
    'Indicates whether a device handle is still open
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_IsOpen Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,      '__in       H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
      ByRef opened As Boolean '__out    boolean_t* opened
    ) As Int16
    ' HDL9BITDLL.dll 使用 ここまで


    '* API Return Codes Int16
    Const HDL9BIT_SUCCESS As Int16 = 0                          '#define HDL9BIT_SUCCESS                                0x00
    Const HDL9BIT_ERR_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND As Int16 = 1             '#define        HDL9BIT_ERR_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND                    0x01
    Const HDL9BIT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE As Int16 = 2               '#define HDL9BIT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE                     0x02
    Const HHDL9BIT_ERR_HANDLE_IS_NOT_A_UART As Int16 = 3        '#define        HDL9BIT_ERR_HANDLE_IS_NOT_A_UART                0x03
    Const HDL9BIT_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER As Int16 = 4            '#define        HDL9BIT_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER                   0x04
    Const HDL9BIT_ERR_INVALID_REQUEST_LENGTH As Int16 = 5       '#define        HDL9BIT_ERR_INVALID_REQUEST_LENGTH              0x05
    Const HDL9BIT_ERR_UART_READ_FAIL As Int16 = &H10            '#define    HDL9BIT_ERR_UART_READ_FAIL                      0x10
    Const HDL9BIT_ERR_UART_WRITE_FAIL As Int16 = &H11           '#define    HDL9BIT_ERR_UART_WRITE_FAIL                     0x11
    Const HDL9BIT_ERR_UART_READ_FAIL_TIME_OUT As Int16 = &H12   '#define    HDL9BIT_ERR_UART_READ_FAIL_TIME_OUT             0x12
    Const HDL9BIT_ERR_UART_WRITE_FAIL_TIME_OUT As Int16 = &H13  '#define    HDL9BIT_ERR_UART_WRITE_FAIL_TIME_OUT            0x13
    Const HDL9BIT_ERR_USB_CTRL_PIPE_FAIL As Int16 = &H14        '#define    HDL9BIT_ERR_USB_CTRL_PIPE_FAIL          0x14
    Const HDL9BIT_ERR_USB_COMMUNICATION_ERROR As Int16 = &H15   '#define HDL9BIT_ERR_USB_COMMUNICATION_ERROR                0x15
    Const HDL9BIT_ERR_USB_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED As Int16 = &H16  '#define HDL9BIT_ERR_USB_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED               0x16
    Const HDL9BIT_ERR_GENERIC_FAIL As Int16 = &HFF              '#define HDL9BIT_ERR_GENERIC_FAIL                   0xFF
    '* API Parameter Encodings
    ' * Error Flags returned by HDL9BIT_GetUartAttributes()
    ' */
    Const HDL9BIT_ERROR_FLAG_PARITY As Byte = 1     '#define HDL9BIT_ERROR_FLAG_PARITY                  0x01
    Const HDL9BIT_ERROR_FLAG_OVERFLOW As Byte = 2   '#define HDL9BIT_ERROR_FLAG_OVERFLOW                        0x02
    ' * Number of data bits. Input to HDL9BIT_SetLineCoding() and
    ' * output of HDL9BIT_GetLineCoding()
    ' */
    Const HDL9BIT_DATA_BITS_FIVE As Byte = 0    '#define HDL9BIT_DATA_BITS_FIVE                 0x00
    Const HDL9BIT_DATA_BITS_SIX As Byte = 1     '#define HDL9BIT_DATA_BITS_SIX                          0x01
    Const HDL9BIT_DATA_BITS_SEVEN As Byte = 2   '#define HDL9BIT_DATA_BITS_SEVEN                        0x02
    Const HDL9BIT_DATA_BITS_EIGHT As Byte = 3   '#define HDL9BIT_DATA_BITS_EIGHT                        0x03
    Const HDL9BIT_DATA_BITS_NINE As Byte = 4    '#define HDL9BIT_DATA_BITS_NINE                 0x04
    ' * Parity types. Input to HDL9BIT_SetLineCoding() and
    ' * output of HDL9BIT_GetLineCoding()
    ' */
    Const HDL9BIT_PARITY_NONE As Byte = 0   '#define HDL9BIT_PARITY_NONE    0x00
    Const HDL9BIT_PARITY_ODD As Byte = 1    '#define HDL9BIT_PARITY_ODD     0x01
    Const HDL9BIT_PARITY_EVEN As Byte = 2   '#define HDL9BIT_PARITY_EVEN    0x02
    Const HDL9BIT_PARITY_MARK As Byte = 3   '#define HDL9BIT_PARITY_MARK    0x03
    Const HDL9BIT_PARITY_SPACE As Byte = 4  '#define HDL9BIT_PARITY_SPACE   0x04
    ' * Character formats. Input to HDL9BIT_SetLineCoding() and
    ' * output of HDL9BIT_GetLineCoding()
    ' */
    ' * Flow control types. Input to HDL9BIT_SetLineCoding() and
    ' * output of HDL9BIT_GetLineCoding()
    ' */
    Const HDL9BIT_FLOW_CONTROL_NONE As Byte = 0         '#define HDL9BIT_FLOW_CONTROL_NONE                      0x00
    Const HDL9BIT_FLOW_CONTROL_HW_RTS_CTS As Byte = 1   '#define HDL9BIT_FLOW_CONTROL_HW_RTS_CTS        0x01
    Const HDL9BIT_FLOW_CONTROL_ADDRESS_MODE As Byte = 3         '#define HDL9BIT_FLOW_CONTROL_ADDRESS_MODE              0x03


'HDL9BITDLL.dll 使用例

Public Class Form1

    ' HDL9BITDLL.dll 使用 ここから
    'Returns the number of attached devices with matching IDs.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_GetNumUartsA Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal productIDFilter As Int16,   '__in_opt        uint16_t productIDFilter,
     ByVal interfaceIDFilter As Byte,  '__in_opt        uint8_t interfaceIDFilter,
     ByRef numUarts As Int32           '__out   uint32l_t* numUarts
     ) As Int16
    'Opens the device specified by the index into the array of available
    'devices And returns a handle to it.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_OpenUartA Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal memberIndex As Int32,        '__in   uint32l_t memberIndex,
     ByVal productIDFilter As Int16,    '__in_opt       uint16_t productIDFilter,
     ByVal interfaceIDFilter As Byte,   '__in_opt       uint8_t interfaceIDFilter,
     ByRef uartDeviceObject As IntPtr   '__out  H9bHandle_t* uartDeviceObject
    ) As Int16
    'Returns the current USB Serial Number String.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_GetOtpSerialNumberString Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,  '__in   H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByRef stringLength As Byte,        '__out  uint8_t* stringLength,
     ByVal serialString As Byte()       'ByVal __out    char* serialString
    ) As Int16

    'Returns the currently configures data rate and character format
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_GetLineCodingA Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,  '__in   H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByRef dataRate As Int32,           '__out  uint32l_t* dataRate,
     ByRef charFormat As Byte,          '__out  uint8_t* charFormat,    
     ByRef parityType As Byte,          '__out  uint8_t* parityType,
     ByRef dataBits As Byte,            '__out  uint8_t* dataBits,
     ByRef flowControl As Byte,         '__out  uint8_t* flowControl,
     ByRef gpioMode0 As Byte            '__out  uint8_t* gpioMode0
    ) As Int16
    'Configures the data rate and character format of a UART channel.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_SetLineCodingA Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,  '__in   H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByVal dataRate As Int32,           '__in   uint32l_t dataRate,
     ByVal charFormat As Byte,          '__in   uint8_t charFormat,    
     ByVal parityType As Byte,          '__in   uint8_t parityType,
     ByVal dataBits As Byte,            '__in   uint8_t dataBits,
     ByVal flowControl As Byte,         '__in   uint8_t flowControl,
     ByVal gpioMode0 As Byte            '__in   uint8_t gpioMode0
    ) As Int16
    'addressモード時 flowControl = 0x03
    'それ以外は      flowControl = 0x01
    'Returns the current timeout settings.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_GetTimeouts Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,  '__in   H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByRef writeTimeout As Int32,       '__in*  uint32l_t writeTimeout,
     ByRef readTimeout As Int32         '__in*  uint32l_t readTimeout
    ) As Int16
    'Sets maximum allowable time for read and write operations.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_SetTimeouts Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,  '__in   H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByVal writeTimeout As Int32,       '__in   uint32l_t writeTimeout,
     ByVal readTimeout As Int32         '__in   uint32l_t readTimeout
    ) As Int16
    'Returns the current setting for the number of bytes in the Rx FIFO
    'before flow control is asserted to the remote UART.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_GetUartRxFifoThreshold Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,  '__in   H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByRef rxFifoThreshold As Int16     '__out  uint16_t* rxFifoThreshold
    ) As UShort
    'Sets how many bytes will be stored in the local UART's Rx FIFO
    'before flow control is asserted to the remote UART.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_SetUartRxFifoThreshold Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,  '__in   H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByVal rxFifoThreshold As Int16     '__in   uint16_t rxFifoThreshold
    ) As Int16
    'Close a device handle
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_CloseUart Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr  '__in    H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
    ) As UShort
    'Returns the currently configured addresses used by the UART when
    'Address Match Mode is enabled.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_GetUartAddress Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,  '__in   H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByRef unicastAddress As Byte,      '__out  uint8_t* unicastAddress,
     ByRef multicastAddress As Byte     '__out  uint8_t* multicastAddress
    ) As Int16
    'Sets the addresses the UART will respond to when Address Match Mode
    'is enabled.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_SetUartAddress Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,  '__in   H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByVal unicastAddress As Byte,      '__in   uint8_t unicastAddress,
     ByVal multicastAddress As Byte     '__in   uint8_t multicastAddress
    ) As Int16
    'Reads data from a UART handle (USB IN transfers).
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_ReadUart Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,      '__in       H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByVal numberOfBytesToRead As Int32,    '__in       uint32l_t numberOfBytesToRead,
     ByVal byteBuffer As Byte(),            'ByVal __out        uint8_t* byteBuffer,
     ByRef numberOfBytesReads As Int32      '__out      uint32l_t* numberOfBytesRead
    ) As Int16
    'Writes data to a UART handle (USB OUT transfers).
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_WriteUart Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,      '__in       H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByVal numberOfBytesToRead As Int32,    ' __in      uint32l_t numberOfBytesToWrite,
     ByVal byteBuffer As Byte(),           'ByVal __in  uint8_t* byteBuffer,
     ByRef numberOfBytesReads As Int32      '__out      uint32l_t* numberOfBytesWritten
    ) As Int16
    'Indicates whether a UART channel is currently enabled for transmit and receive
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_IsEnabled Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,      '__in       H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByRef numberOfBytesReads As Boolean     '__out     boolean_t* enabled
    ) As Int16
    'Enables a UART channel for transmit and receive
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_EnableUart Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,      '__in       H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByVal numberOfBytesReads As Boolean     '__in      boolean_t enable
    ) As Int16
    'Flushes buffers and FIFOs in transmit, receive, or both directions.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_FlushBuffers Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,  '__in   H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByVal flushTransmit As Boolean,    '__in   boolean_t flushTransmit,
     ByVal flushReceives As Boolean     '__in   boolean_t flushReceive
    ) As Int16
    'Requests a UART to transmit a break signal.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_SendBreak Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,  '__in   H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByVal breakDuration As Byte  '__in uint8_t breakDuration
    ) As Int16
    'Requests a UART to stop transmitting break.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_CancelBreak Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr  '__in    H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
    ) As Int16
    'Returns the current USB Manufacturer String.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_GetOtpManufacturerString Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,      '__in       H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByRef stringLength As Byte,            '__out      uint8_t* strlen,
     ByVal manufacturingString As Byte()    'ByVal __out        char* manufacturingString
    ) As Int16
    'Returns the current USB Product String.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_GetOtpProductString Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,      '__in       H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
     ByRef stringLength As Byte,            '__out      uint8_t* stringLength,
     ByVal productString As Byte()          'ByVal__out char* productString
    ) As Int16
    'Returns the release version of this API.
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_GetSoftwareAPIAttributes Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByRef majorVersion As Byte,        '__out  uint8_t* majorVersion,
      ByRef minorVersion As Byte,       '__out  uint8_t* minorVersion,
      ByRef isReleaseVersion As Boolean '__out  boolean_t* isReleaseVersion
    ) As Int16
    'Indicates whether a device handle is still open
    Private Declare Function HDL9BIT_IsOpen Lib "HDL9BITDLL.dll" _
    (ByVal uartDeviceObject As IntPtr,      '__in       H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
      ByRef opened As Boolean '__out    boolean_t* opened
    ) As Int16
    ' HDL9BITDLL.dll 使用 ここまで

    '* API Return Codes Int16
    Const HDL9BIT_SUCCESS As Int16 = 0                          '#define HDL9BIT_SUCCESS                                0x00
    Const HDL9BIT_ERR_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND As Int16 = 1             '#define        HDL9BIT_ERR_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND                    0x01
    Const HDL9BIT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE As Int16 = 2               '#define HDL9BIT_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE                     0x02
    Const HHDL9BIT_ERR_HANDLE_IS_NOT_A_UART As Int16 = 3        '#define        HDL9BIT_ERR_HANDLE_IS_NOT_A_UART                0x03
    Const HDL9BIT_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER As Int16 = 4            '#define        HDL9BIT_ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER                   0x04
    Const HDL9BIT_ERR_INVALID_REQUEST_LENGTH As Int16 = 5       '#define        HDL9BIT_ERR_INVALID_REQUEST_LENGTH              0x05
    Const HDL9BIT_ERR_UART_READ_FAIL As Int16 = &H10            '#define        HDL9BIT_ERR_UART_READ_FAIL                      0x10
    Const HDL9BIT_ERR_UART_WRITE_FAIL As Int16 = &H11           '#define        HDL9BIT_ERR_UART_WRITE_FAIL                     0x11
    Const HDL9BIT_ERR_UART_READ_FAIL_TIME_OUT As Int16 = &H12   '#define        HDL9BIT_ERR_UART_READ_FAIL_TIME_OUT             0x12
    Const HDL9BIT_ERR_UART_WRITE_FAIL_TIME_OUT As Int16 = &H13  '#define        HDL9BIT_ERR_UART_WRITE_FAIL_TIME_OUT            0x13
    Const HDL9BIT_ERR_USB_CTRL_PIPE_FAIL As Int16 = &H14        '#define        HDL9BIT_ERR_USB_CTRL_PIPE_FAIL          0x14
    Const HDL9BIT_ERR_GENERIC_FAIL As Int16 = &HFF              '#define HDL9BIT_ERR_GENERIC_FAIL                       0xFF
    '* API Parameter Encodings
    ' * Error Flags returned by HDL9BIT_GetUartAttributes()
    ' */
    Const HDL9BIT_ERROR_FLAG_PARITY As Byte = 1     '#define HDL9BIT_ERROR_FLAG_PARITY                  0x01
    Const HDL9BIT_ERROR_FLAG_OVERFLOW As Byte = 2   '#define HDL9BIT_ERROR_FLAG_OVERFLOW                        0x02
    ' * Number of data bits. Input to HDL9BIT_SetLineCoding() and
    ' * output of HDL9BIT_GetLineCoding()
    ' */
    Const HDL9BIT_DATA_BITS_FIVE As Byte = 0    '#define HDL9BIT_DATA_BITS_FIVE                 0x00
    Const HDL9BIT_DATA_BITS_SIX As Byte = 1     '#define HDL9BIT_DATA_BITS_SIX                          0x01
    Const HDL9BIT_DATA_BITS_SEVEN As Byte = 2   '#define HDL9BIT_DATA_BITS_SEVEN                        0x02
    Const HDL9BIT_DATA_BITS_EIGHT As Byte = 3   '#define HDL9BIT_DATA_BITS_EIGHT                        0x03
    Const HDL9BIT_DATA_BITS_NINE As Byte = 4    '#define HDL9BIT_DATA_BITS_NINE                 0x04
    ' * Parity types. Input to HDL9BIT_SetLineCoding() and
    ' * output of HDL9BIT_GetLineCoding()
    ' */
    Const HDL9BIT_PARITY_NONE As Byte = 0   '#define HDL9BIT_PARITY_NONE    0x00
    Const HDL9BIT_PARITY_ODD As Byte = 1    '#define HDL9BIT_PARITY_ODD     0x01
    Const HDL9BIT_PARITY_EVEN As Byte = 2   '#define HDL9BIT_PARITY_EVEN    0x02
    Const HDL9BIT_PARITY_MARK As Byte = 3   '#define HDL9BIT_PARITY_MARK    0x03
    Const HDL9BIT_PARITY_SPACE As Byte = 4  '#define HDL9BIT_PARITY_SPACE   0x04
    ' * Character formats. Input to HDL9BIT_SetLineCoding() and
    ' * output of HDL9BIT_GetLineCoding()
    ' */
    ' * Flow control types. Input to HDL9BIT_SetLineCoding() and
    ' * output of HDL9BIT_GetLineCoding()
    ' */
    Const HDL9BIT_FLOW_CONTROL_NONE As Byte = 0         '#define HDL9BIT_FLOW_CONTROL_NONE                      0x00
    Const HDL9BIT_FLOW_CONTROL_HW_RTS_CTS As Byte = 1   '#define HDL9BIT_FLOW_CONTROL_HW_RTS_CTS        0x01
    Const HDL9BIT_FLOW_CONTROL_ADDRESS_MODE As Byte = 3         '#define HDL9BIT_FLOW_CONTROL_ADDRESS_MODE              0x03
    ' メッセージ表示用
    Private Sub memo(ByVal msg As String)
    End Sub

    ' ret 表示用
    Private Sub memo_ret(ByVal msg As String, ByVal ret As Integer)
        If ret = 0 Then
            RichTextBox_mon.ForeColor = Color.Black
            RichTextBox_mon.AppendText("*" + msg + " OK")
            RichTextBox_mon.ForeColor = Color.Red
            RichTextBox_mon.AppendText("*" + msg + " (" + Str(ret) + ") ----error!!!!")
        End If

    End Sub

    Dim Handle9B As IntPtr
    Dim isOpenUart As Boolean
    Dim serialString(1000) As Byte
    Dim s_len As UShort

    Public Sub New()

        ' この呼び出しはデザイナーで必要です。

        ' InitializeComponent() 呼び出しの後で初期化を追加します。

    End Sub

    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button_devno.Click
        Dim numUarts As Byte
        Dim ret As Int16
        Dim memberIndex As Int32
        Dim productIDFilter As UShort
        Dim interfaceIDFilter As Byte
        Dim manufacturingString(512) As Byte
        Dim ss1 As String
        Dim majorVersion As Byte
        Dim minorVersion As Byte
        Dim isReleaseVersion As Boolean
        While 1

            'Returns the release version of this API.
            ret = HDL9BIT_GetSoftwareAPIAttributes(
                majorVersion,    '__out uint8_t* majorVersion,
                minorVersion,     '__out        uint8_t* minorVersion,
                isReleaseVersion  '__out        boolean_t* isReleaseVersion
            memo_ret("GetSoftwareAPIAttributes", ret)
            memo("majorVersion = " + Str(majorVersion))
            memo("minorVersion = " + Str(majorVersion))
            If isReleaseVersion Then
                memo("sReleaseVersion = 1")
                memo("sReleaseVersion = 0")
            End If
            'Returns the number of attached devices with matching IDs.
            ret = HDL9BIT_GetNumUartsA(
                productIDFilter,    '__in_opt    uint16_t productIDFilter,
                interfaceIDFilter,  '__in_opt    uint8_t interfaceIDFilter,
                numUarts            '__out   uint32l_t* numUarts
            memo_ret("HDL9BIT_GetNumUartsA", ret)
            Label_devn.Text = "Device=" + Str(numUarts)
            'Opens the device specified by the index into the array of available
            'devices And returns a handle to it.
            memberIndex = 0 'ここでは最初の1つをオープンする
            productIDFilter = &H4001
            interfaceIDFilter = 0
            ret = HDL9BIT_OpenUartA(
                memberIndex,        '__in       uint32l_t memberIndex,
                productIDFilter,    '__in_opt   uint16_t productIDFilter,
                 0,                 '__in_opt   uint8_t interfaceIDFilter,
                Handle9B            '__out      H9bHandle_t* uartDeviceObject
            memo_ret("HDL9BIT_OpenUartA", ret)
            If ret <> HDL9BIT_SUCCESS Then
                Exit While
            End If
            'Returns the current USB Manufacturer String.
            ret = HDL9BIT_GetOtpManufacturerString(
                Handle9B,           '__in    H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
                s_len,              '__out      uint8_t* strlen,
                manufacturingString 'ByVal __out        char* manufacturingString
            memo_ret("HDL9BIT_GetOtpSerialNumberString", ret)
            ss1 = "[" & System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(1252).GetString(manufacturingString)
            ss1 = ss1.Substring(0, ss1.IndexOf(vbNullChar)) + "]"
            memo("manufacturingString =" + ss1)
            'Returns the current USB Serial Number String.
            ret = HDL9BIT_GetOtpSerialNumberString(
                Handle9B,       '__in    H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
                s_len,          '__out  uint8_t* stringLength,
                serialString    'ByVal __out    char* serialString
            'Handle9B, s_len, Serialnom)
            memo_ret("HDL9BIT_GetOtpSerialNumberString", ret)
            ss1 = "[" + System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(1252).GetString(serialString)
            ss1 = ss1.Substring(0, ss1.IndexOf(vbNullChar)) + "]"
            memo("Serial nomber =" + ss1)
            'Returns the current timeout settings.
            Dim writeTimeout As Int32
            Dim readTimeout As Int32
            ret = HDL9BIT_GetTimeouts(
                Handle9B,       '__in    H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
                writeTimeout,   '__out  uint32l_t* readTimeout
                readTimeout     '__out  uint32l_t* readTimeout
            memo_ret("HDL9BIT_GetTimeouts", ret)
            'Sets maximum allowable time for read and write operations.
            writeTimeout = 100
            readTimeout = 2000
            ret = HDL9BIT_SetTimeouts(
                Handle9B,       '__in    H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
                writeTimeout,   '__out  uint32l_t* readTimeout
                readTimeout     '__out  uint32l_t* readTimeout
            memo_ret("HDL9BIT_SetTimeouts", ret)
            'Returns the currently configures data rate and character format
            Dim dataRate As Int32
            Dim charFormat As Byte
            Dim parityType As Byte
            Dim dataBits As Byte
            Dim flowControl As Byte
            Dim gpioMode0 As Byte
            ret = HDL9BIT_GetLineCodingA(
                Handle9B,       '__in    H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
                dataRate,       '__out  uint32l_t* dataRate,
                charFormat,     '__out  uint8_t* charFormat,    
                parityType,     '__out  uint8_t* parityType,
                dataBits,       '__out  uint8_t* dataBits,
                flowControl,    '__out  uint8_t* flowControl,
                gpioMode0       '__out  uint8_t* gpioMode0
            memo_ret("HDL9BIT_GetLineCodingA", ret)
            'Configures the data rate and character format of a UART channel.
            dataBits = HDL9BIT_DATA_BITS_NINE   '9bitモード指定
            parityType = HDL9BIT_PARITY_NONE
            dataRate = 12000000
            flowControl = HDL9BIT_FLOW_CONTROL_ADDRESS_MODE
            gpioMode0 = &H39
             'addressモード時 flowControl = 0x03
             'それ以外は      flowControl = 0x01
            ret = HDL9BIT_SetLineCodingA(
                Handle9B,       '__in    H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
                dataRate,       '__in   uint32l_t dataRate,
                charFormat,     '__in   uint8_t charFormat,    
                parityType,     '__in   uint8_t parityType,
                dataBits,       '__in   uint8_t dataBits,
                flowControl,    '__in   uint8_t flowControl,
                gpioMode0       '__in   uint8_t gpioMode0
            memo_ret("HDL9BIT_SetLineCodingA", ret)
            'Returns the currently configured addresses used by the UART when
            'Address Match Mode is enabled.
            Dim unicastAddress As Byte
            Dim multicastAddress As Byte
            ret = HDL9BIT_GetUartAddress(
                Handle9B,        '__in    H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
                unicastAddress,  '__out uint8_t* unicastAddress,
                multicastAddress '__out uint8_t* multicastAddress
            memo_ret("HDL9BIT_GetUartAddress", ret)
            'Sets the addresses the UART will respond to when Address Match Mode
            'is enabled.
            unicastAddress = &H55
            multicastAddress = &H80
            ret = HDL9BIT_SetUartAddress(
                Handle9B,           '__in    H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,              
                unicastAddress,     '__in       uint8_t unicastAddress,
                multicastAddress    '__in       uint8_t multicastAddress
            memo_ret(" HDL9BIT_SetUartAddress", ret)
            ss1 = "0x" + unicastAddress.ToString("X2")
            memo("unicastAddress = " + ss1)
            ss1 = "0x" + multicastAddress.ToString("X2")
            memo("multicastAddress = " + ss1)

            'Returns the current setting for the number of bytes in the Rx FIFO
            'before flow control is asserted to the remote UART.
            Dim rxFifoThreshold As Int16
            ret = HDL9BIT_GetUartRxFifoThreshold(
                Handle9B,        '__in    H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,   
                rxFifoThreshold '__out  uint16_t* rxFifoThreshold
            'Sets how many bytes will be stored in the local UART's Rx FIFO
            'before flow control is asserted to the remote UART.
            rxFifoThreshold = 450
            ret = HDL9BIT_SetUartRxFifoThreshold(
                Handle9B,           ' __in    H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,   
                rxFifoThreshold     '__in       uint16_t rxFifoThreshold
            'Indicates whether a device handle is still open
            Dim opened As Boolean
            opened = False
            isOpenUart = opened
            ret = HDL9BIT_IsOpen(
                opened  '__out  boolean_t* opened
            memo_ret("HDL9BIT_IsOpen", ret)
            If ret <> HDL9BIT_SUCCESS Then
                Exit While
            End If
            isOpenUart = opened
            '-- end loop
            Exit While
        End While

    End Sub

    Private Sub Button_breakON_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button_breakON.Click
        While 1
            Dim ret As Int16
            If Not isOpenUart Then
                Exit While
            End If
            'Requests a UART to transmit a break signal.
            Dim breakDuration As Byte
            breakDuration = 0
            ret = HDL9BIT_SendBreak(
                Handle9B,       '__in    H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
                breakDuration   '__in   uint8_t breakDuration
            memo_ret("HDL9BIT_SendBreak", ret)
            '-- end loop
            Exit While
        End While

    End Sub

    Private Sub Button_breakOFF_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button_breakOFF.Click
        While 1
            Dim ret As Int16
            If Not isOpenUart Then
                Exit While
            End If
            'Requests a UART to stop transmitting break.
            ret = HDL9BIT_CancelBreak(
                Handle9B '__in    H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
            memo_ret("HDL9BIT_CancelBreak", ret)
            '-- end loop
            Exit While
        End While
    End Sub

    Private Sub Button1_Click_1(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        While 1
            Dim ret As Int16
            If Not isOpenUart Then
                Exit While
            End If
            'Close a device handle
            ret = HDL9BIT_CloseUart(
                Handle9B '__in    H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
            memo_ret("HDL9BIT_CloseUart", ret)
            '-- end loop
            Exit While
        End While
        isOpenUart = False
    End Sub

    Private Sub Button_send_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button_send.Click

        While True

            If Not isOpenUart Then
                Exit While
            End If
            Dim ret As Int16
            Dim byteBuffer(1024) As Byte
            Dim numberOfBytesToWrite As Int32
            Dim numberOfBytesWritten As Int32
            Dim address32 As Int32
            Dim address As Byte
            address32 = Convert.ToInt32(TextBox_adress.Text, 16)
            address = address32 And &HFF
            Dim s_text As String
            s_text = TextBox_stext.Text
            Dim byteBuffertemp(1024) As Byte
            byteBuffertemp = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(s_text)
            Dim i As Integer

            byteBuffer(i) = address
            i = i + 1
            byteBuffer(i) = 1
            i = i + 1
            For j As Integer = 0 To s_text.Length - 1
                byteBuffer(i) = byteBuffertemp(j)
                byteBuffer(i + 1) = 0
                i = i + 2
            numberOfBytesToWrite = s_text.Length * 2 + 2
            'Writes data to a UART handle (USB OUT transfers).

            numberOfBytesToWrite = 128
            ret = HDL9BIT_WriteUart(
                Handle9B,               '__in   H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
                numberOfBytesToWrite,   ' __in  uint32l_t numberOfBytesToWrite,
                byteBuffer,             'ByVal __in     uint8_t* byteBuffer,
                numberOfBytesWritten    '__out  uint32l_t* numberOfBytesWritten
            ' 受信
            'Reads data from a UART handle (USB IN transfers).
            Dim numberOfBytesToRead As Int32
            Dim numberOfBytesRead As Int32
            numberOfBytesToRead = 256
            memo(".....wait recieve..")
            ret = HDL9BIT_ReadUart(
                    Handle9B,                   '__in   H9bHandle_t uartDeviceObject,
                    numberOfBytesToRead,        ' __in    uint32l_t numberOfBytesToRead,
                    byteBuffer,                 ' __out    uint8_t* byteBuffer,
                    numberOfBytesRead           ' __out   uint32l_t* numberOfBytesRead
                If Not numberOfBytesRead = 0 Then
                    Dim rx_text As String
                    rx_text = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(byteBuffer)
                    rx_text = BitConverter.ToString(byteBuffer)
                    rx_text = rx_text.Substring(0, numberOfBytesRead * 3 - 1)
                    memo("RXD=" + rx_text)

                End If
            End If
            'loop end
            Exit While
        End While

    End Sub
End Class
